Retinol - Benefits, Anti Ageing & How to Use Retinol Correctly

Hey guys what's up welcome to skincare blog today we are gonna talk about retinol so I get a lot of questions on my comments box right should I use retinol how to use it and all is it effective well let me tell you guys.

Retinol is definitely very potent very effective and it's not one of your random ingredients which you can just start using on your face there is a specific way to start introducing retinol into your skin how to use it and there are some ingredients that you simply cannot use on your skin when you're using retinol okay so that's what we'll be talking about today basically what retinol does is you know like skin aging has become a very real concern these days a lot of people even in their early 20s started seeing smile lines light wrinkles or I think this is because it's primarily because of our lifestyle right lifestyle pollution food habits things like thatch then of course sun damage.

Because of which you know you often get dark spots pigmentation the skin just starts looking really bad so retinoid is something which can help you in dealing with all of these things so the original serum. Which I have here with me is a 0.3 percent retinol serum for spotless skin it's from the dermaco retinol basically helps to minimize the pores while also minimizing new breakouts which helps in smoothing and refining the skin texture it effectively fades dark spots sun spots and hyperpigmentation and also evens out skin tone this serum also contains vitamin c like you all know vitamin c is absolutely fantastic.

Because It evens the skin tone brightens the complexion and also helps to reduce wrinkles hyperpigmentation and aid in wound healing glute allows the skin to retain moisture it increases skin hydration relieve dryness and refreshes the skin's surface it leaves the skin soft and supple these ingredients work in perfect harmony to give your skin the best results of retinol.

So retinol in itself if used with these other two ingredients actually is far more effective than just you know any serum which only contains retinol and a bunch of other things so uh guys uh the deal with retinol is that okay first things first if you're using retinol for the first time instead of going for a 0.3 percent retinol serum i know 0.3 percent sounds very less but for retinol is actually a lot so if you're using retinol for the first time start by using 0.10.1 retinol serum okay 

So what i'll do is there is a very similar variant of 0.1percent retinol serum by the same brand the dermaco so uh start with a 0.1 retinol serum use it once and every three nights okay every night just apply it once at night and only once in three nights so start by applying once in three nights then again once and three nights and gradually include this into your skincare routine see how your skin is behaving get let your skin get used to retinol and then you know once the skin has gotten more used to it and all that's when you can switch to the 0.3retinal serum which is obviously you know because of the higher concentration of retinol it is more powerful and far more useful.

But start with 0.1 percent first this is very important guys and of course always do a patch test now using fentanyl serum is very easy you just have to wash your face apply it and then you know just lock it in with a moisturizer because you're talking about a serum and which products to use when you're washing your face by the way guys uh before i move ahead all the products i'm using today are from the same brand the dermaco with the  is a fantastic brand guys.

If you already know about the dermaco  you can just switch your hair to this part of the article to know about the routine the dermaco is basically a wonderful brand because first of all is designed by dermatologists so they really know what they are doing it's extremely safe extremely effective all the ingredients have been put in place very well and it's a very clean honest brand like if you look at the ingredient uh list like you know it's not like they're just calling it a retinol serum as a marketing gimmick which a lot of other brands do when you see the name itself it mentions 0.3 retinol serum so you know just by the name itself how much retinol are you actually opting for which makes it again extremely safe extremely effective extremely trustworthy and you know overall

I really like the brand philosophy also because they stand for living life without filters they are not trying to cover up your flaws give you a temporary fix like most beauty products and you know things that we use these days try to do they actually try to help fix your skin problems so that you can actually love the skin that you're born with and enjoy your skin without filters you know so i love the idea of living your life without hiding behind filters being happy in your own skin so i think that is what this brand does and i really like that their philosophy as well that's amazing plus it's a made in india brand.

If you want to know. Now going back to the routine well uh starting with the cleanser make sure that you're using a very gentle cleanser so the cleanser that i'm using here is a creamy cleanser which is also safe for sensitive skin it's designed to clean and hydrate the skin and it's a fragrance and soap free formula this is such a fantastic cleanser guys I’ve actually been using this a lot myself as well uh because my skin tends to be really dry this is something which can be used very well by those people who have dry skin.

As well it's a very nice soap free fragrance very gentle formula and while washing your face guys just want to mention one more thing a very important tip please do not use any face washes or any uh beauty products which contain uh aha and bha okay so no chemical exfoliants are on your skin while you're using retinol serum also stay away from any beauty product which contains benzoylperoxideuh.

It's also a good idea to not use any diys on your skin while you're using retinol okay so these are just important things some important things which I wanted to mention so yes like i just said first step is cleaning your face with a gentle cleanser like the one that i just showed you then take your retinol serum so you just have to take like a pea sized amount and then just pat it gently into your skin avoiding the eye area of course corners of your eye eyelids under eye and of course you know the lip sallow the product to fully absorb in to the skin this will hardly take a few seconds really and then follow it up with the ceramide moisturizer.

Which i have here it's really good because it's extremely gentle and it also locks the moisture keeping the skin hydrated for a really long time so that's all you have to do just clean your face apply the serum and then moisturize your skin with a nice gentle and a good moisturizer the ceramide moisturizer i have talked about this before on my blog it's really effective so when you start using retinol serums umon a regular basis this is what basically happens okay so i quickly tell you the der marco's uh 0.3 percent retinol serum it's a potent formulation so essentially that makes it an anti-aging formula for spotless skin and gentle exfoliation yes guys gentle exfoliationit helps to even and brighten the skin tone and this is something which i have personally experienced to and believe it or not guys this 30 ml bottle of retinol serum actually contains enough vitamin a that you would find in nine zero ninety carrots okay that is how much vitamin a actually uh contains so obviously you know.

When you add that much of vitamin a into your skincare routine you will see multiple levels of difference happen to your skin and like i just mentioned right so uh guys what i'll do is like i said uh of course like i said uh i'll put a link in the put link if you want when you go on the website by the way they also have this questionnaire where you can actually uh get a skin assessment done you know they'll ask you some questions and you can actually find out what your skin needs and they will also recommend some products for your skin accordingly so you can check that uh check that section out as well if you want to and uh yeah that's about it guys if you have tried out retinol on your skin before let me know in the comment section below how your experience has been if you have tried any products from this brand before because i really like this brand you know it's a very scientific sensible brand and i really like the products that they're designing you know it's very nice so let me know in the comment section below how your experience has been if you have any queries while writing your comments.


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